Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Reasons for optimism

Almost departing, some people are still skeptical about the trip. I don't fully understand...

  1. Only two people are going (on only one motorbike)
  2. Less than 50 kg of luggage (on the same motorbike)
  3. It's a brand new motorbike (perhaps not built for such a trip and with only 125 cc...)
  4. I did several questions to the mechanical guy: "How do I adjust the transmission chain? Where do I check the oil level?, ..."
  5. I have experience driving (I took my driver's license more than two weeks ago...)
  6. It is a beaten track... just going overland to South Africa to get cigarettes.
  7. Finally, the equipment! They are only skeptical because they haven't seen neither the equipment...

... nor the cargo!!


  1. Então? Já contava que estivessem em Espanha ou Marrocos! :P
    Que raio de lâmpada é aquela na primeira foto? E vou estar aqui para "ler" as histórias de quando apanharem as chuvadas :P

    btw, esse balanço de brancos está um bocado estranho!

  2. Replies
    1. It's good enough and it has space for both of us :) But after 3 hours sitting there... it's time to do a break!!

      I have heard you have a new job. How is it going?

  3. Adicionaste um "lembrete" ao cadeado da mota, Pedro? Just kiddin'... :p

  4. 车到山前必有路,just do it!
